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Inspiring Healing Worldwide...

Pavandeep Khalsa is a courageous healer, speaker, life coach, advocate, and writer. She approaches life with the passion of a spiritual warrior, living with integrity and following a code of honor that has been long forgotten by most. She inspires healing with her story of strength, courage, and forgiveness.


Pavandeep Khalsa was once told she "would only be a statistic", but she has always been a fan of challenging the status quo and exceeding expectations. At age thirteen, Pavandeep was sold into human trafficking and spent the next two years in sexual slavery, experiencing treatment and conditions that no human being should ever have to endure. Eventually, she was able to free herself, only to fall in between the societal cracks of America once again. 


For the next thirteen years Pavandeep struggled to hold on to a life that she felt was barely worth living. She struggled everyday just to overcome the battle with shame, self-loathing, and immense anger. In 2008, Pavandeep experienced a near death motorcycle accident and as a result the life that she struggled to maintain came unraveled,she was able to find the deep healing she needed and became able to share that healing with others, and now she is ready to share that healing with the world.


During the last five years, Pavandeep has been capturing her healing process in her book entitled, My Body, My Soul: One Woman’s Battle to Reclaim Both. Pavandeep is in the finally stages of allowing the story to finish itself. And in keeping with the experiential theme of this book Pavandeep has invited you to join her on her 40 day adventure into the wilderness as she writes the final chapter of her book Finally Free.

Pavandeep Khalsa 

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